Daten zum Unfall";
$description = "Unfallkategorie: ".$arrCategory[$row['UKATEGORIE']]."
$description .= "Unfallmonat/Jahr: ".$row['UMONAT']."/".$row['UJAHR']."
$description .= "Tag/Stunde: ".$arrWochentage[$row['UWOCHENTAG']]." ".$row['USTUNDE']." Uhr
$description .= "Unfallart: ".$arrUnfallart[$row['UART']]."
$description .= "Unfalltyp: ".$arrUnfalltyp[$row['UTYP1']]."
$description .= "Lichtverhältnisse: ".$arrLicht[$row['ULICHTVERH']]."
$description .= "Straßenzustand: ".$arrStrassenzustand[$row['USTRZUSTAND']]."
$description .= "Unfallbeteiligte: ";
if ($row['IstRad']) $description .="mit Fahrradbeteiligung, ";
if ($row['IstPKW']) $description .="mit PKW-Beteiligung, ";
if ($row['IstFuss']) $description .="mit Fußgängerbeteiligung, ";
if ($row['IstKrad']) $description .="mit Kraftradbeteiligung, ";
if ($row['IstGkfz']) $description .="mit Güterkraftzeugbeteiligung, ";
if ($row['IstSonstige']) $description .="mit Beteiligung eines oben nicht genannten Verkehrsmittels";
$strDescription .= nl2br2($description);
return $strDescription;
* reads gps location form picture data
function read_gps_location($file){
if (is_file($file)) {
$info = exif_read_data($file);
if (isset($info['GPSLatitude']) && isset($info['GPSLongitude']) &&
isset($info['GPSLatitudeRef']) && isset($info['GPSLongitudeRef']) &&
in_array($info['GPSLatitudeRef'], array('E','W','N','S')) && in_array($info['GPSLongitudeRef'], array('E','W','N','S'))) {
$GPSLatitudeRef = strtolower(trim($info['GPSLatitudeRef']));
$GPSLongitudeRef = strtolower(trim($info['GPSLongitudeRef']));
$lat_degrees_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLatitude'][0]);
$lat_minutes_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLatitude'][1]);
$lat_seconds_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLatitude'][2]);
$lng_degrees_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLongitude'][0]);
$lng_minutes_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLongitude'][1]);
$lng_seconds_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLongitude'][2]);
$lat_degrees = $lat_degrees_a[0] / $lat_degrees_a[1];
$lat_minutes = $lat_minutes_a[0] / $lat_minutes_a[1];
$lat_seconds = $lat_seconds_a[0] / $lat_seconds_a[1];
$lng_degrees = $lng_degrees_a[0] / $lng_degrees_a[1];
$lng_minutes = $lng_minutes_a[0] / $lng_minutes_a[1];
$lng_seconds = $lng_seconds_a[0] / $lng_seconds_a[1];
$lat = (float) $lat_degrees+((($lat_minutes*60)+($lat_seconds))/3600);
$lng = (float) $lng_degrees+((($lng_minutes*60)+($lng_seconds))/3600);
//If the latitude is South, make it negative.
//If the longitude is west, make it negative
$GPSLatitudeRef == 's' ? $lat *= -1 : '';
$GPSLongitudeRef == 'w' ? $lng *= -1 : '';
return array(
'lat' => $lat,
'lng' => $lng
return false;
function nl2br2($string) {
$string = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "
", $string);
return $string;
function get_statistics($numVehicle,$strWhere,$strYear) {
global $db;
global $arrUnfallart;
global $arrUnfalltyp;
global $arrCategory;
global $strLocation;
$strSQL="SELECT UKATEGORIE, count(UKATEGORIE) as anz FROM data WHERE ".$strWhere.$strYear.$strLocation." GROUP BY UKATEGORIE";
$result = $db->query($strSQL);
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$strTable.="".$arrCategory[$row['UKATEGORIE']]." | ".$row['anz']." |
sum(IstRad) as rad,
sum(IstPKW) as pkw,
sum(IstFuss) as fuss,
sum(IstKrad) as krad,
sum(IstGkfz) as lkw,
sum(IstSonstige) as sonstiges,
count(*) as summe
FROM data
WHERE ".$strWhere.$strYear.$strLocation;
$result = $db->query($strSQL);
//$strTable.="Unfallbeteiligte | Anzahl |
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$strTable.="Fahrräder | ".$row['rad']." |
$strTable.="PKWs | ".$row['pkw']." |
$strTable.="Fussgänger | ".$row['fuss']." |
$strTable.="Krafträder | ".$row['krad']." |
$strTable.="LKWs | ".$row['lkw']." |
$strTable.="Sonstiges | ".$row['sonstiges']." |
$strSQL="SELECT count(*) as count
FROM data
WHERE IstRad=0 and IstPKW=0 and IstFuss=0 and IstKrad=0 and IstGkfz=0 and IstSonstige=0";
switch ($numVehicle) {
case 1:
case 0:
$strSQL="SELECT count(*) as count FROM data
WHERE IstPKW=0 and IstFuss=0 and IstKrad=0 and IstGkfz=0 and IstSonstige=0".$strLocation;
case 2:
$strSQL="SELECT count(*) as count FROM data
WHERE IstRad=0 and IstFuss=0 and IstKrad=0 and IstGkfz=0 and IstSonstige=0".$strLocation;
case 3:
$strSQL="SELECT count(*) as count FROM data
WHERE IstPKW=0 and IstRad=0 and IstKrad and IstGkfz=0 and IstSonstige=0".$strLocation;
case 4:
$strSQL="SELECT count(*) as count FROM data
WHERE IstPKW=0 and IstFuss=0 and IstRad=0 and IstGkfz=0 and IstSonstige=0".$strLocation;
case 5:
$strSQL="SELECT count(*) as count FROM data
WHERE IstPKW=0 and IstFuss=0 and IstKrad=0 and IstRad=0 and IstSonstige=0".$strLocation;
case 6:
$strSQL="SELECT count(*) as count FROM data
WHERE IstPKW=0 and IstFuss=0 and IstKrad=0 and IstGkfz=0 and IstRad=0".$strLocation;
$result = $db->query($strSQL.$strYear);
if ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$strTable.="Alleinunfälle und Unfälle mit geicher Fahrzeugart | ".$row['count']." |
$strSQL="SELECT UART, count(UART) as anz FROM data WHERE ".$strWhere.$strYear.$strLocation." GROUP BY UART";
$result = $db->query($strSQL);
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$strTable.="".$arrUnfallart[$row['UART']]." | ".$row['anz']." |
$strSQL="SELECT UTYP1, count(UTYP1) as anz FROM data WHERE ".$strWhere.$strYear.$strLocation." GROUP BY UTYP1";
$result = $db->query($strSQL);
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$strTable.="".$arrUnfalltyp[$row['UTYP1']]." | ".$row['anz']." |
return $strTable;