<?php namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xls; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xls; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Escher\DgContainer; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Escher\DgContainer\SpgrContainer; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Escher\DgContainer\SpgrContainer\SpContainer; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Escher\DggContainer; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Escher\DggContainer\BstoreContainer; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Escher\DggContainer\BstoreContainer\BSE; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Escher\DggContainer\BstoreContainer\BSE\Blip; class Escher { const DGGCONTAINER = 0xF000; const BSTORECONTAINER = 0xF001; const DGCONTAINER = 0xF002; const SPGRCONTAINER = 0xF003; const SPCONTAINER = 0xF004; const DGG = 0xF006; const BSE = 0xF007; const DG = 0xF008; const SPGR = 0xF009; const SP = 0xF00A; const OPT = 0xF00B; const CLIENTTEXTBOX = 0xF00D; const CLIENTANCHOR = 0xF010; const CLIENTDATA = 0xF011; const BLIPJPEG = 0xF01D; const BLIPPNG = 0xF01E; const SPLITMENUCOLORS = 0xF11E; const TERTIARYOPT = 0xF122; /** * Escher stream data (binary). * * @var string */ private $data; /** * Size in bytes of the Escher stream data. * * @var int */ private $dataSize; /** * Current position of stream pointer in Escher stream data. * * @var int */ private $pos; /** * The object to be returned by the reader. Modified during load. * * @var BSE|BstoreContainer|DgContainer|DggContainer|\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Escher|SpContainer|SpgrContainer */ private $object; /** * Create a new Escher instance. * * @param mixed $object */ public function __construct($object) { $this->object = $object; } /** * Load Escher stream data. May be a partial Escher stream. * * @param string $data * * @return BSE|BstoreContainer|DgContainer|DggContainer|\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Escher|SpContainer|SpgrContainer */ public function load($data) { $this->data = $data; // total byte size of Excel data (workbook global substream + sheet substreams) $this->dataSize = strlen($this->data); $this->pos = 0; // Parse Escher stream while ($this->pos < $this->dataSize) { // offset: 2; size: 2: Record Type $fbt = Xls::getUInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2); switch ($fbt) { case self::DGGCONTAINER: $this->readDggContainer(); break; case self::DGG: $this->readDgg(); break; case self::BSTORECONTAINER: $this->readBstoreContainer(); break; case self::BSE: $this->readBSE(); break; case self::BLIPJPEG: $this->readBlipJPEG(); break; case self::BLIPPNG: $this->readBlipPNG(); break; case self::OPT: $this->readOPT(); break; case self::TERTIARYOPT: $this->readTertiaryOPT(); break; case self::SPLITMENUCOLORS: $this->readSplitMenuColors(); break; case self::DGCONTAINER: $this->readDgContainer(); break; case self::DG: $this->readDg(); break; case self::SPGRCONTAINER: $this->readSpgrContainer(); break; case self::SPCONTAINER: $this->readSpContainer(); break; case self::SPGR: $this->readSpgr(); break; case self::SP: $this->readSp(); break; case self::CLIENTTEXTBOX: $this->readClientTextbox(); break; case self::CLIENTANCHOR: $this->readClientAnchor(); break; case self::CLIENTDATA: $this->readClientData(); break; default: $this->readDefault(); break; } } return $this->object; } /** * Read a generic record. */ private function readDefault(): void { // offset 0; size: 2; recVer and recInstance $verInstance = Xls::getUInt2d($this->data, $this->pos); // offset: 2; size: 2: Record Type $fbt = Xls::getUInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2); // bit: 0-3; mask: 0x000F; recVer $recVer = (0x000F & $verInstance) >> 0; $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; } /** * Read DggContainer record (Drawing Group Container). */ private function readDggContainer(): void { $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; // record is a container, read contents $dggContainer = new DggContainer(); $this->object->setDggContainer($dggContainer); $reader = new self($dggContainer); $reader->load($recordData); } /** * Read Dgg record (Drawing Group). */ private function readDgg(): void { $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; } /** * Read BstoreContainer record (Blip Store Container). */ private function readBstoreContainer(): void { $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; // record is a container, read contents $bstoreContainer = new BstoreContainer(); $this->object->setBstoreContainer($bstoreContainer); $reader = new self($bstoreContainer); $reader->load($recordData); } /** * Read BSE record. */ private function readBSE(): void { // offset: 0; size: 2; recVer and recInstance // bit: 4-15; mask: 0xFFF0; recInstance $recInstance = (0xFFF0 & Xls::getUInt2d($this->data, $this->pos)) >> 4; $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; // add BSE to BstoreContainer $BSE = new BSE(); $this->object->addBSE($BSE); $BSE->setBLIPType($recInstance); // offset: 0; size: 1; btWin32 (MSOBLIPTYPE) $btWin32 = ord($recordData[0]); // offset: 1; size: 1; btWin32 (MSOBLIPTYPE) $btMacOS = ord($recordData[1]); // offset: 2; size: 16; MD4 digest $rgbUid = substr($recordData, 2, 16); // offset: 18; size: 2; tag $tag = Xls::getUInt2d($recordData, 18); // offset: 20; size: 4; size of BLIP in bytes $size = Xls::getInt4d($recordData, 20); // offset: 24; size: 4; number of references to this BLIP $cRef = Xls::getInt4d($recordData, 24); // offset: 28; size: 4; MSOFO file offset $foDelay = Xls::getInt4d($recordData, 28); // offset: 32; size: 1; unused1 $unused1 = ord($recordData[32]); // offset: 33; size: 1; size of nameData in bytes (including null terminator) $cbName = ord($recordData[33]); // offset: 34; size: 1; unused2 $unused2 = ord($recordData[34]); // offset: 35; size: 1; unused3 $unused3 = ord($recordData[35]); // offset: 36; size: $cbName; nameData $nameData = substr($recordData, 36, $cbName); // offset: 36 + $cbName, size: var; the BLIP data $blipData = substr($recordData, 36 + $cbName); // record is a container, read contents $reader = new self($BSE); $reader->load($blipData); } /** * Read BlipJPEG record. Holds raw JPEG image data. */ private function readBlipJPEG(): void { // offset: 0; size: 2; recVer and recInstance // bit: 4-15; mask: 0xFFF0; recInstance $recInstance = (0xFFF0 & Xls::getUInt2d($this->data, $this->pos)) >> 4; $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; $pos = 0; // offset: 0; size: 16; rgbUid1 (MD4 digest of) $rgbUid1 = substr($recordData, 0, 16); $pos += 16; // offset: 16; size: 16; rgbUid2 (MD4 digest), only if $recInstance = 0x46B or 0x6E3 if (in_array($recInstance, [0x046B, 0x06E3])) { $rgbUid2 = substr($recordData, 16, 16); $pos += 16; } // offset: var; size: 1; tag $tag = ord($recordData[$pos]); ++$pos; // offset: var; size: var; the raw image data $data = substr($recordData, $pos); $blip = new Blip(); $blip->setData($data); $this->object->setBlip($blip); } /** * Read BlipPNG record. Holds raw PNG image data. */ private function readBlipPNG(): void { // offset: 0; size: 2; recVer and recInstance // bit: 4-15; mask: 0xFFF0; recInstance $recInstance = (0xFFF0 & Xls::getUInt2d($this->data, $this->pos)) >> 4; $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; $pos = 0; // offset: 0; size: 16; rgbUid1 (MD4 digest of) $rgbUid1 = substr($recordData, 0, 16); $pos += 16; // offset: 16; size: 16; rgbUid2 (MD4 digest), only if $recInstance = 0x46B or 0x6E3 if ($recInstance == 0x06E1) { $rgbUid2 = substr($recordData, 16, 16); $pos += 16; } // offset: var; size: 1; tag $tag = ord($recordData[$pos]); ++$pos; // offset: var; size: var; the raw image data $data = substr($recordData, $pos); $blip = new Blip(); $blip->setData($data); $this->object->setBlip($blip); } /** * Read OPT record. This record may occur within DggContainer record or SpContainer. */ private function readOPT(): void { // offset: 0; size: 2; recVer and recInstance // bit: 4-15; mask: 0xFFF0; recInstance $recInstance = (0xFFF0 & Xls::getUInt2d($this->data, $this->pos)) >> 4; $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; $this->readOfficeArtRGFOPTE($recordData, $recInstance); } /** * Read TertiaryOPT record. */ private function readTertiaryOPT(): void { // offset: 0; size: 2; recVer and recInstance // bit: 4-15; mask: 0xFFF0; recInstance $recInstance = (0xFFF0 & Xls::getUInt2d($this->data, $this->pos)) >> 4; $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; } /** * Read SplitMenuColors record. */ private function readSplitMenuColors(): void { $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; } /** * Read DgContainer record (Drawing Container). */ private function readDgContainer(): void { $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; // record is a container, read contents $dgContainer = new DgContainer(); $this->object->setDgContainer($dgContainer); $reader = new self($dgContainer); $escher = $reader->load($recordData); } /** * Read Dg record (Drawing). */ private function readDg(): void { $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; } /** * Read SpgrContainer record (Shape Group Container). */ private function readSpgrContainer(): void { // context is either context DgContainer or SpgrContainer $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; // record is a container, read contents $spgrContainer = new SpgrContainer(); if ($this->object instanceof DgContainer) { // DgContainer $this->object->setSpgrContainer($spgrContainer); } else { // SpgrContainer $this->object->addChild($spgrContainer); } $reader = new self($spgrContainer); $escher = $reader->load($recordData); } /** * Read SpContainer record (Shape Container). */ private function readSpContainer(): void { $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // add spContainer to spgrContainer $spContainer = new SpContainer(); $this->object->addChild($spContainer); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; // record is a container, read contents $reader = new self($spContainer); $escher = $reader->load($recordData); } /** * Read Spgr record (Shape Group). */ private function readSpgr(): void { $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; } /** * Read Sp record (Shape). */ private function readSp(): void { // offset: 0; size: 2; recVer and recInstance // bit: 4-15; mask: 0xFFF0; recInstance $recInstance = (0xFFF0 & Xls::getUInt2d($this->data, $this->pos)) >> 4; $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; } /** * Read ClientTextbox record. */ private function readClientTextbox(): void { // offset: 0; size: 2; recVer and recInstance // bit: 4-15; mask: 0xFFF0; recInstance $recInstance = (0xFFF0 & Xls::getUInt2d($this->data, $this->pos)) >> 4; $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; } /** * Read ClientAnchor record. This record holds information about where the shape is anchored in worksheet. */ private function readClientAnchor(): void { $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; // offset: 2; size: 2; upper-left corner column index (0-based) $c1 = Xls::getUInt2d($recordData, 2); // offset: 4; size: 2; upper-left corner horizontal offset in 1/1024 of column width $startOffsetX = Xls::getUInt2d($recordData, 4); // offset: 6; size: 2; upper-left corner row index (0-based) $r1 = Xls::getUInt2d($recordData, 6); // offset: 8; size: 2; upper-left corner vertical offset in 1/256 of row height $startOffsetY = Xls::getUInt2d($recordData, 8); // offset: 10; size: 2; bottom-right corner column index (0-based) $c2 = Xls::getUInt2d($recordData, 10); // offset: 12; size: 2; bottom-right corner horizontal offset in 1/1024 of column width $endOffsetX = Xls::getUInt2d($recordData, 12); // offset: 14; size: 2; bottom-right corner row index (0-based) $r2 = Xls::getUInt2d($recordData, 14); // offset: 16; size: 2; bottom-right corner vertical offset in 1/256 of row height $endOffsetY = Xls::getUInt2d($recordData, 16); // set the start coordinates $this->object->setStartCoordinates(Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($c1 + 1) . ($r1 + 1)); // set the start offsetX $this->object->setStartOffsetX($startOffsetX); // set the start offsetY $this->object->setStartOffsetY($startOffsetY); // set the end coordinates $this->object->setEndCoordinates(Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($c2 + 1) . ($r2 + 1)); // set the end offsetX $this->object->setEndOffsetX($endOffsetX); // set the end offsetY $this->object->setEndOffsetY($endOffsetY); } /** * Read ClientData record. */ private function readClientData(): void { $length = Xls::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4); $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 8, $length); // move stream pointer to next record $this->pos += 8 + $length; } /** * Read OfficeArtRGFOPTE table of property-value pairs. * * @param string $data Binary data * @param int $n Number of properties */ private function readOfficeArtRGFOPTE($data, $n): void { $splicedComplexData = substr($data, 6 * $n); // loop through property-value pairs for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) { // read 6 bytes at a time $fopte = substr($data, 6 * $i, 6); // offset: 0; size: 2; opid $opid = Xls::getUInt2d($fopte, 0); // bit: 0-13; mask: 0x3FFF; opid.opid $opidOpid = (0x3FFF & $opid) >> 0; // bit: 14; mask 0x4000; 1 = value in op field is BLIP identifier $opidFBid = (0x4000 & $opid) >> 14; // bit: 15; mask 0x8000; 1 = this is a complex property, op field specifies size of complex data $opidFComplex = (0x8000 & $opid) >> 15; // offset: 2; size: 4; the value for this property $op = Xls::getInt4d($fopte, 2); if ($opidFComplex) { $complexData = substr($splicedComplexData, 0, $op); $splicedComplexData = substr($splicedComplexData, $op); // we store string value with complex data $value = $complexData; } else { // we store integer value $value = $op; } $this->object->setOPT($opidOpid, $value); } } }